Welcome to Tele-WOSH web application. Tele-Working and Occupational Safety & Health during COVID-19 Pandemic (Tele-WOSH) project is one of the Research and Innovation Foundation Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation "RESTART 2016 – 2020". The Tele-WOSH app has been developed by the Team of the Centre of Excellence in Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES) of the European University Cyprus (EUC).
The main purpose of this application is to facilitate the development and implementation of a risk assessment, for the identification of hazards and the evaluation of risks arising during teleworking, ensuring the health, safety and well-being of employees and the legal compliance of the employer.
The main six main categories of hazards covered by Tele-WOSH are:- Ergonomics
- Physical
- Safety
- Biological
- Chemical
- Psychosocial
For further user's instructions please visit the instructions page
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2022©Knowledge and results from Tele-WOSH as a RESTART 2016-2020 project, belong to the participating organization carrying out the work that produced them